Time To Give Thanks

Two questions to think about. #1. What have you done for God lately? #2. How would you like to wake up today with what you thanked God for yesterday?

Did you remember to give thanks even for the air that we breathe? There is nothing we would have or be able to do without Him. We need God. And we need to give thanks each and every day of our life. Just to be alive is something to be thankful for. This list could go on and on. Where would we be today had it not been for our Heavenly Father sending His One and Only Son, Jesus Christ into the world to redeem us.

Each day we should take the time to give thanks to our God, and to praise him, and to worship Him for all He has done for us. He gives us grace; (a gift we don’t deserve). And He gives us mercy; (not giving us what we deserve). That’s enough to put one in a state of praise. Hebrews 13:15 says, “Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name.”

So, let praise, worship, and giving of thanks to God become a life style to live by each and every day.