First Church of Worship and Praise » Pastor's Blog » MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE!

Over some two thousand years ago God gave us the most precious and wonderful gift imagine. He gave us the gift that keeps on giving. He gave us the “Gift of Love; His only “Begotten Son.”

With so much hate and violence going on in the world today, many have forgotten this “Gift of Love.”

1 Corinthians 13:4-8 tells us what love is and is not.  Love is long suffering, and is kind. It has patience with imperfect people. Love is not envious or jealous. It does not resent the well being of others. Love does not parade itself. It doesn’t put on a show to impress others. Love is not puffed up. It doesn’t have a “big head.” Love does not seek its own. It is not self-centered and selfish. Love is not provoked. It does not have a short fuse. Love thinks no evil. It doesn’t keep a record of wrong doings. Love does not rejoice in mistakes or failure of others, but rejoices in the truth. Love bears all. It defends and holds up others. Love hopes and endures all things. It never gives up on others. It never fails.

This Christmas season while we are shopping and preparing for the holiday, let us remember our “Gift of Love,” Jesus Christ.

And let us give the gift that covers everything, and keeps on giving. The world needs this gift of “Love” now more than ever before. Remember it is an everlasting gift.