Thank God for our children.
Have you noticed all the children we are getting? Psalm 127:3 tells us that children are gifts from God. God is truly blessing us.
Also, Proverbs 22:6 tells us, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” As the “Body of Christ,” we allĀ have a part in the lives of these children. We are to show them love, watch and pray for them, and hold them up before the LORD. they are our next generation.
In order for God to move miraculously on this earth, this generation must be prepared. And it is up to us to set an example. so in your daily walk be mindful, make sure you are imitating Jesus Christ, because you never know who is looking at you. Little eyes see a lot!
Again, we thank God for all children.