First Church of Worship and Praise » Pastor's Blog » Are you ready for His return?
Are you ready for His return?

Can you blieve that we are already into the month of May? There is a saying that, “Time is flying.” But we as christians can see God is moving. In the pass services, there has been a miraculous movement of the LORD. Look around you. Jesus’ return is soon. When? We Don’t know the exact date. According to Matthew 24:42: “Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your LORD is coming.” Are you ready for His return?

When Christ returns He will be looking for a church without spot or blemish. Do you want to be that church? I Believe so. But you know the “church” is within you. It’s time for us to pray and seek God’s face like never before. We want to see the power of God move in our lives to change us. So, let’s get in harmony, and unity with one another before it’s too late. “Seek God while there is still time.”

2 Comments (Leave a Reply)

  1. jacob (May 6, 2012)


  2. stephanie (May 29, 2012)

    amen that really touch my heart