First Church of Worship and Praise » Pastor's Blog » Let’s do better in 2011
Let’s do better in 2011

Happy New Year and hello to 2011. Can you believe it is a new year already. It seems as if we were just starting into last year. Are you ready for a “New Year” and maybe a new start? I am sure that we could all use a new start on something in our lives, even if is to be more committed to be in church, and serving God to the best of our ability. What can be better than this?

Actually, nothing can be better than that. What is the best of our ability? Could it be to try to be more like Jesus in everything we do and say; our actions, our conversations, our talk, our dress and our attitudes towards other people?
What kind of a person do we appear to be to others? We are suppose to portray Christ in all our ways. Do we? What kind of an example are we setting for others? Can they see the Christ in us? Let’s try to do better in 2011, more so than ever. When we walk away from people, we want them to say, “That person is Christ-Like in every way”. Let’s strive to be more like Christ and win people to the Lord this coming “New Year.” O.K

Again, Happy New Year and may we all have a prosperous year.